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In questo mixtape che ho intitolato “There is Something Special About The Drum” troverete una selezione di brani che in qualche modo hanno influenzato la nostra musica e continuano tutt’ora ad esserne riferimento. Qualche volta è puro ritmo, altre una melodia proveniente dall’Oriente ma anche un beat techno che potete ascoltare nei club di Berlino dove vivo da tanti anni. La musica per me non ha barriere. Non mi ritengo tifoso di alcun genere. Se crea emozione allora mi appartiene.
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In this mixtape entitled “There is Something About The Drum” you will find a selection of tracks that somehow influenced our music. Sometimes is just about the rhythm, other times is about a melody belonging to the Eastern music heritage or a techno mood as you can feel here in Berlin, the city where i live. Music has no boundaries to me. I am not a “fan” of any genre. If it excites me, it belongs to me.
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The Last Poets – Talk Show
S. Olivier Nakara Percussions – Balimba
Neba Solo – Kenedougou Foly
Yenjit Porntawi – Lam Plearn Toh Lom Nhao (Mop Mop Mix)
Dave Brubeck – Calcutta Blues
Emil Richards And The Microtonal Blues Band – Journey to Bliss – Part l
Don’t DJ – Gammellan
The Last Poets – Invocation
Sun Ra – Sun-Earth Rock
Nico Fidenco – Porno Holocaust (Seq. 7)
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